


Ulf Ekman's Catholic Conversion

Hot on the heels of Kenneth Copeland praying for the Pope, news has come that Ulf Ekman - a significant Charismatic leader in Sweden has converted to Roman Catholicism.

For those who have been watching Ulf (and I haven't for many years) the signs have been there for some time. Pictures like this are not hard to find - that is Ulf on the right:

Charisma news broke the story in English, (here and here) but a (critical) Swedish site has far more details of the journey Ulf and his wife have taken - and it just about makes sense through Google Translate. Ulf's sermon (with live English translation) is available here - and like the Copeland piece is worth a watch. However most of what he says is explained on the Ulf Ekman ministries website:

We have seen a great love for Jesus and a sound theology, founded on the Bible and classic dogma. We have experienced the richness of sacramental life. We have seen the logic in having a solid structure for priesthood, that keeps the faith of the church and passes it on from one generation to the next. We have met an ethical and moral strength and consistency that dare to face up to the general opinion, and a kindness towards the poor and the weak. And, last but not least, we have come in contact with representatives for millions of charismatic Catholics and we have seen their living faith.
There have always been high profile conversions to Apostolical faith, but it is interesting that Ulf's story revolves around engagement with some of 140,000 Roman Catholic Charismatics worldwide, and includes yearning for both Spirit and Sacrament - this is explicitly a Charismatic Catholic conversion.

What works for Ulf obviously works for me too, although within an Anglican understanding of Apostolicity. I believe the Church of England is an ideal meeting place for the Charismatic and the Catholic - if we can manage to bury the hatchet and the hang ups and the different cultures.

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