I am off to Greenbelt shortly, and very much looking forward to preaching at the Goth Eucharist this year. Don't let us being in a youth venue put you off.
As usual please say hello if you see me. I may not recognise you if your twitter avatar is a chicken and your I.D. is not your name. Explain clearly to me who you are with hand actions if required.
Speaking of names I will be trying to see people I have never heard of (as usual) this year. I continue to be suspicious of Christian celebrity and an advocate of symposia where all contribute. I will be argueing for this passionately from the contributors hospitality area with a charged phone and a free hot drink (if such a thing exists this year).
However I would far rather be talking about passionate, inclusive, charismatic (anglo) catholic life and mission. So grab me. DM me. Text me.
I will be the one in skinny jeans. And red hair.
Twitter has revealed a a difficult question. How do you email a Vicar? The thing is Reverend is not a title, it is not used like 'Dr...
So @vahva asks - where are all the Brit speakers? To which Tim responds: @vahva But I think the main stage was reserved for Americans wi...
Sign&Spirit now has its own web space - read the article there After describing myself as Charismatic and Anglo-Catholic a friend on...
This website has been running in various forms since 2003. It has always been a diverse mix of different material on different subjects. ...
Hot on the heels of Kenneth Copeland praying for the Pope , news has come that Ulf Ekman - a significant Charismatic leader in Sweden has co...
I once came off Facebook. I deleted my account, and migrated to a portfolio of other social media providers. Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, ...
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