Twitter has revealed a a difficult question. How do you email a Vicar? The thing is Reverend is not a title, it is not used like 'Dr...
So @vahva asks - where are all the Brit speakers? To which Tim responds: @vahva But I think the main stage was reserved for Americans wi...
Sign&Spirit now has its own web space - read the article there Following my post about Greenbelt , and the nature of Sign & Spiri...
Hot on the heels of Kenneth Copeland praying for the Pope , news has come that Ulf Ekman - a significant Charismatic leader in Sweden has co...
The Bishop of London's lecture at Lambeth has created some great discussion. It is a long read, but worth it. For me what stands ...
I once came off Facebook. I deleted my account, and migrated to a portfolio of other social media providers. Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, ...
I Am Over It.
I am over it.
No really I am.
High mass and six sticks delivered in a detached monotone. Three scared ministers.
Over enthusiastic prophetic repetitive contemporary worship. The same every week.
Dull dry sleep inducing BCP. Heads held in washing hands.
Stone holding, tree watching, beat listening. Is it Alt, is it Worship?
Even the parsonical perfections of dreaming Dearmerism. Whatever happened to that.
I am no longer interested in that conversation. Not the way we do it.
Let's talk about encounter, mind body and spirit.
Let's talk about offering ourselves and all we are and all we could be.
Imagine if we could talk about worship without the tradition specific language,
without the clues that weight others perceptions
and give our preferences and prejudices away.
And why not?
Here is a plan. Try to write a couple of hundred words about worship and you. Then edit out the clues.
I dare you.
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